Have you ever felt like being too late to do something? Today I am not going to talk about your life time goals but believe in me this is what I am going to say that I am too late to watch this movie “The Intern”.  When thinking about it how did I miss it for nearly five years? I have just googled in IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes rating and there is 7.1/10 and 60% respectively and Why so mean? And that would be the reason though I am writing this article with a conflict of interest to the movie so most probably this may not be a criticism.

Another question rising up is that is The Intern a Comedy? Yes, as it is mentioned in the web but I doubt it because I felt from the beginning to the end the deep core is something extraordinary beyond a comedy. So, I am going to write this having two times watching the movie but the doubt is whether two times enough?

Nancy Meyers who is the writer and the director, starts the play with a greenish scene and music. By the time we are hearing the music the impression had been given that it is not about either a sad story or heat movie but it created our minds to the mood and guided the emotional response to the rest of the play. It was really tactical and I love to say that she won. And when we are hearing the following quote, she created the path of the rest of the play also.

“Don’t get me wrong I not on a happy person. Quite the contrary, I just know there is a hole in my life and I need to fill it…… soon.”

Oh dear, look at the energy of this old man, he misses the energy only in one scene which it took him for high blood pressure. Would you believe that single man with zero electronic devices except a calculator and a cell phone in his classic older bag and don’t know even how to use a laptop is going to change everything in everyone, add value to every single person, give an appreciation and actually freshened a mission of a hardworking, dedicated, young, pretty lady, a company owner. He is Ben Whittaker(Robert De Niro) He represents an energetic old man as well as a frustrated old man, experienced adult, consultant without any age limit and a friend in need. Man the Man.

Did you notice that even though we can identify the regular main characters at glance, the director strategically behaves to hide the two main characters when they first enter to the play? Please look at the beginning of the play at mental relaxing exercising and customer care play where Jules Ostin(Anne Hathway)enter to the scene. Why was that? I think it is because Nancy Mayers doesn’t mean to build any heat by video images but she keeps a submerged thrilling on the actors and actress.  Look how subordinates working here. Look how Becky plays her role. How Davis plays his role. And finally, with all scenes of hums and bumps I am very much love not to see the old man death in the movie or else it would be devastating. It would be the common end of 90% old man stories. Director, I salute you that you are a strategic, talented woman.

Does “The Intern” a comedy movie? Yes, it is. This my true experience that out of thousands of watched films this is a film which I truly laughed loud and clear when watching this movie. Believe in me when all are in sleeping I laughed and loud alone in the middle of the night like a lunatic. That is why I am thinking to write something to you about this movie because it is worthy to watch even sometimes 3 to 4 times. In true heart, Thank You fellas to give us such a lovely movie. Actually, The Intern was ranked by myself to the top ten movies I have ever watched in my life.

So, the above content will be a small piece of mountain you will see in an ice berg. And I put my best effort to impress you the feeling which I got in the movie. It is worthy to watch and have some ideas from you to improve my passion. Will see you on later.



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